Thursday, May 3, 2012


Tomorrow is May 4th. The day my first grandbaby is due to make his appearance in this world.  I am really excited! 

Living with my cancer the way that I do, I have often wondered if I would live long enough to see my grandchildren.......AGAIN God has blessed me!  Not only has he blessed me with this little guy but he has also blessed me in the fact that I am healthy (ish) right now,,,,I will be able to be at the birth and I will be able to hold him, love him and enjoy him!....I won't be sick in a hospital bed somewhere.....I cannot express how lucky I feel right now!!

My oldest son Jesse is the one who is expecting little Alex.  He and his girl Brook are prepared and anxiously awaiting his arrival.  I think is funny that Jess is having a boy.....he was such a hellion when he was little.  Seriously, he was the stuff legends are made from!

And what makes this even sweeter is the fact that I have 17 journals documenting his awesomeness!!~~~~ Pictures included!!! LOL.  It will be so fun to sit with Alex someday and take him on a tour through his daddy's life!!!

Keeping journals on my boys is one thing I am certainly proud of!

1 comment:

  1. wow! no joke about Jesse being a hellion, but also very sweet! I figured out that if he was bored he started to think up the crazy stuff to do- so when ever I could I did/asked/or got him some things to keep his mind busy as well as his hands
    Can't believe he is going to be a daddy now! I am sure he will be a wonderful one. congradulations to you all
